Motor-CAD adaptive templates scripting#


Adaptive Templates in Motor-CAD require v2024.1.2 (Motor-CAD 2024 R1 Update) or later and PyMotorCAD v0.4.1. To update PyMotorCAD in Motor-CAD, go to Scripting -> Settings -> PyMotorCAD updates and select ‘Update to Latest Release’.

This guide describes the Adaptive Templates feature. Motor-CAD provides the Adaptive Templates feature for the design of models with geometries that cannot be modelled using the standard template geometries. By using the Adaptive Templates feature, users can generate their own geometric parameterisations from scratch or based on the Standard Templates.

Using Adaptive Templates, custom geometric parameterisations are set up using a Python script.

Adaptive Templates examples are available in the PyMotorCAD Documentation under Adaptive templates examples. For the examples shown in this user guide, see Triangular Rotor Notches for IPM and Curved Rotor Flux Barriers for SYNCREL U-Shape.

Those who are new to Motor-CAD Adaptive Templates should work through the tutorial supplied with Motor-CAD. The tutorial contains additional information and full workflow examples.

Geometry editor#

The Geometry -> Editor tab in Ansys Motor-CAD shows each geometry region currently in use in the model.


Geometry -> Editor -> Geometry tab in Ansys Motor-CAD 2024 R1#

The interface is fully interactive. Individual geometry regions can be selected from the region tree or the diagram.

Motor geometry components are grouped by Armature and Field and represented by regions. The Editor displays the geometry regions based on their spatial locations, such that a region’s sub-regions are shown as a descendant/child of their parent region.

The e9 IPM template in Motor-CAD is shown. In this example, the Magnet and Rotor Pocket regions (L1_1Magnet1, L2_1Magnet2, Rotor Pocket and Rotor Pocket_1) are shown in a branch underneath the Rotor region. When a region is selected, region properties are displayed at the bottom-left of the screen and region entities at the bottom-right.

Region properties include the Name, Type, Material, Area (base and actual), Position (Centroid, Region Coordinate) and Symmetry of the region. Region entities include all the Lines and Arcs that define the region. The Rotor region in the e9 IPM template is defined by two lines and two arcs. If an individual entity is selected from the table, it is highlighted in the diagram.

Either Cartesian or Polar coordinate systems can be used. The coordinate system can be changed by going to Input Data -> Settings -> Geometry.


Input Data -> Settings -> Geometry tab in Ansys Motor-CAD 2024 R1#

Adaptive templates script#

Adaptive Templates can be enabled by going to the Geometry -> Editor -> Adaptive Templates tab and setting the Geometry Templates Type from Standard to Adaptive. This means that the Adaptive Templates script is run every time the Motor-CAD geometry is created, and the scripting interface enabled, which allows editing of the script.


Geometry -> Editor -> Adaptive Templates tab in Ansys Motor-CAD 2024 R1#

To set an adaptive geometry for a Motor-CAD file, a script must be loaded in to the Adaptive Templates tab and run. Adaptive Templates Python scripts can also be executed externally, but unless the script is loaded in to the Adaptive Templates tab in Motor-CAD, the geometry is only defined temporarily.

Adaptive Templates Scripts require PyMotorCAD to be imported. This Python package provides access to Motor-CAD.

import ansys.motorcad.core as pymotorcad

ansys.motorcad.core provides access to the Motor-CAD geometry, such as the existing regions in the model. It can be used to get an existing region from the Motor-CAD model (such as the Rotor) as an object in Python (rotor = mc.get_region("Rotor")). It can also be used to set a Motor-CAD region object in the Motor-CAD model (mc.set_region(rotor)).

For a Motor-CAD region object that has been obtained using PyMotorCAD, the region properties are accessible via Python. The region object created in Python contains all of the region properties shown in the Motor-CAD UI and all of the geometry entities that make up the region.

Properties such as the material and colour can be edited with an Adaptive Templates Script:

# Connect to Motor-CAD
mc = pymotorcad.MotorCAD()

# Get rotor region from Motor-CAD
rotor = mc.get_region("Rotor")

# Edit region properties
rotor.colour = (186, 85, 211)
rotor.material = "M470-50A"

Rotor geometry with modified colour and material shown in the Geometry -> Editor -> Geometry tab#

Details on the Adaptive Geometry functions within ansys.motorcad.core that provide access to the Motor-CAD geometry are available in the MotorCAD API under Adaptive Geometry.

Using the geometry objects and functions library#

Adaptive scripts also require the ansys.motorcad.core.geometry library to modify the model geometry. This provides geometry capability in Python, such as regions and entities. It is required so that Lines and Arcs can be defined or modified by the script, and so that regions can be created from these entities.

The geometry package can be imported:

import ansys.motorcad.core.geometry as geometry

Alternatively, specific functions (for example Line and Arc) can be imported from the package:

from ansys.motorcad.core.geometry import Line, Arc

ansys.motorcad.core.geometry is required to edit the entities that belong to a region, such as changing the Lines or Arcs that define the region geometry.

Details on the full list of Geometry objects and functions are available in the API reference under Geometry objects and functions. For examples on modifying a Motor-CAD model geometry, see Adaptive templates examples.

Adaptive parameters#

An Adaptive Templates script can be set based on the Standard Template parameters or based on custom Adaptive Parameters. Adaptive Parameters are shown in the Geometry -> Editor -> Adaptive Parameters tab.


Geometry -> Editor -> Adaptive Parameters tab in Ansys Motor-CAD 2024 R1#

Any parameter can be defined, with a name, value, and description. Parameters can be added within the Motor-CAD interface, or with a Python script by using the set_adaptive_parameter_value() method from ansys.motorcad.core:

mc.set_adaptive_parameter_value("Notches per Pole", 2)

Adaptive Parameters also appear in the Geometry -> Radial tab, alongside the Standard Template parameters.


Adaptive Parameters shown in the Geometry -> Radial tab#

Adaptive Parameters can be accessed with the Adaptive Templates script using the get_adaptive_parameter_value() method from ansys.motorcad.core, so that the geometry can be defined by these Adaptive Parameters:

number_notches = int(mc.get_adaptive_parameter_value("Notches per Pole"))

Scripting workflow#

As well as the defined Adaptive Parameters, any parameter from Motor-CAD can be used in the Adaptive Templates script by using the get_variable() method from PyMotorCAD. Any Motor-CAD API accessible by PyMotorCAD is available.

For example, when modifying the rotor geometry, it is often necessary to retrieve the rotor radius:

rotor_radius = mc.get_variable("RotorDiameter") / 2

Adding a region to the geometry#

To add a new geometry feature to the Motor-CAD model, such as a notch, the workflow is as follows:

  1. A new region is created to represent the notch.

  2. The region properties are defined (material, colour etc.).

  3. Entities are added to the region to define the geometry (shape and position).

  4. The parent region is defined for the new region (for a rotor duct example, the parent would be set to the rotor region).

  5. The new region is set in Motor-CAD.

Creating a region#

To create a new region to represent the notch, use the Region object from ansys.motorcad.core.geometry:

notch = Region()

Defining region properties and parent#

Region properties can be set using the appropriate field/property: = "Rotor_Notch_1"
notch.colour = (255, 255, 255)
notch.material = "Air"

If the region object of the rotor has been created in Python (rotor = mc.get_region("Rotor")), the rotor region object’s properties can be obtained and set for the rotor notch.

The Region.duplications property represents the symmetry of the region. In the example shown using the e9 IPM template, duplications = 8 because there are 8 rotor poles of 45 ° symmetry. In this example, the notch would have the same symmetry as the rotor.

The parent region of the notch can be set to the rotor region so that the notch is set as a sub-region. Motor-CAD uses implicit subtractions so that the notch subtraction is handled automatically. The notch appears as a sub-region of the rotor in tree shown in the Geometry -> Editor tab in Motor-CAD.

notch.duplications = rotor_region.duplications
notch.parent = rotor_region

Adding entities to a region#

To add two Lines line_1, line_2 and an Arc airgap_arc to the notch region, use the Region.add_entity() function from ansys.motorcad.core.geometry:


Line and Arc entities can be defined using Motor-CAD Coordinate objects.

Setting a region in Motor-CAD#

To set the notch in the Motor-CAD model, the notch region is sent to Motor-CAD using the set_region() function from ansys.motorcad.core.

Region.is_closed() can be used to ensure that the entities that were added to the region create a closed region.

if notch.is_closed():

Using the geometry shapes library#

Line and Arc entities are defined using Motor-CAD Coordinate objects. Calculating the coordinate positions can be time-consuming and can require many lines of Python script.

For commonly used shapes, ready made functions can be used to create a region, based on a few required parameters. These functions can be imported from the ansys.motorcad.core.geometry_shapes library.

A function for creating a triangular notch region can be imported:

from ansys.motorcad.core.geometry_shapes import triangular_notch

The triangular_notch() function requires four arguments:

  • radius: Radial position of the notch outer edge. (For a rotor notch, this is the rotor radius.)

  • sweep - Sweep of the notch along the rotor airgap, in degrees. (This parameter defines the notch width.)

  • centre_angle - Angular position of the notch centre.

  • depth - Depth of the notch


Required arguments for the triangular_notch() function.#

A rotor notch can be defined using this function so that the coordinates for the notch entities do not need to be calculated.

To use the triangular_notch() function to create a triangular rotor notch region:

notch = triangular_notch(
    rotor_radius, notch_angular_width, notch_centre_angle, notch_depth

The arguments, rotor_radius, notch_angular_width, notch_centre_angle and notch_depth must be calculated in the Adaptive Templates script and specified.

The notch region properties can then be defined and the region can be set in Motor-CAD, as described earlier.

For a full Adaptive Templates example using the workflow described here, see Triangular Rotor Notches for IPM.

Details on the Geometry Shapes functions within ansys.motorcad.core.geometry_shapes are available in the API reference under Geometry shapes.

Create and modify adaptive templates scripts#

Adaptive Template Scripts should be created outside Motor-CAD, using a Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (such as PyCharm). Using an IDE allows for faster creation of the script, allowing access to autocompletion, code correction and other features which are not available in the Motor-CAD scripting interface.

This is essential when writing complex scripts, allowing issues with the script to be fixed and the inspection of Python objects, such as geometry regions from Motor-CAD.

For more information on the Synchronous Reluctance machine geometry with curved flux barriers used for this example, see Curved Rotor Flux Barriers for SYNCREL U-Shape.

Working on the adaptive templates script#

Adaptive Templates scripts can be edited from an external IDE (for example PyCharm, VSCode). When using an external IDE, it is important to ensure that the script contains this method before getting or setting any Motor-CAD geometry:


Drawing geometry objects#

When working on and debugging Adaptive Templates scripts, it is useful to use the geometry drawing feature to plot the geometry objects and regions. ansys.motorcad.core.geometry_drawing contains the draw_objects_debug() function, which can be used to plot any region that has been defined in Python. This function only plots regions when called from an external IDE to assist with debugging scripts. To plot regions from the Motor-CAD scripting interface, use the draw_objects() function.

The geometry drawing package can be imported:

from ansys.motorcad.core.geometry_drawing import draw_objects_debug

In the Curved Rotor Flux Barriers for SYNCREL U-Shape example, curved flux barrier (rotor pockets) region objects are added to a list, pockets_all_layers. The draw_objects_debug() function can be used to plot the regions:


Plot of rotor pocket regions drawn using the draw_objects() function.#

Add imported DXF geometries to adaptive templates#

Custom geometry can be imported to Motor-CAD from a DXF file. For information on how to import custom geometry from a DXF file, see the “Custom Machine Geometries” tutorial supplied with Motor-CAD.

Once a custom geometry is imported, it is automatically separated into regions, which appear under Import in the Geometry -> Editor tab. These imported geometry regions are accessed using the get_region_dxf() method from the ansys.motorcad.core API. The geometry regions that are currently set in the Motor-CAD model are shown under Template in the tree.


Geometry -> Editor -> Geometry tab with an imported custom geometry from DXF file.#

By default, the imported regions are not displayed. To display an imported region, select the checkbox.

Imported regions are not automatically set in the Motor-CAD model or used by the Motor-CAD calculations. To customise the Motor-CAD template geometry with the imported geometry, use Adaptive Templates.

Use the get_region_dxf() method in an adaptive templates script to access an imported region. You can then modify and interact with the region in the same way as for any other region object. The name, properties, and parent regions of the imported region can be defined.

To replace an existing region with an imported DXF region, use the Region.replace() method.

As with any region object, it is set in the Motor-CAD model using the set_region() method. The imported region then appears under Template in the Geometry tree shown in the Geometry -> Editor -> Geometry tab in Motor-CAD.