Mechanical stress#

This example demonstrates internal scripting mechanical stress functionality

Perform required imports

import ansys.motorcad.core as pymotorcad

Launch Motor-CAD

mc = pymotorcad.MotorCAD()

# This function is called when "Run" is pressed
def main():

class mechanical_stress:
    def initial(self):
        # %%
        # Disable pop-up messages
        mc.set_variable("MessageDisplayState", 2)
        # Called before calculation
        mc.set_variable("ShaftSpeed", 1500)

    def final(self):
        # Called after calculation
        yield_stress = mc.get_variable("YieldStress_RotorLam")
        max_stress = mc.get_variable("MaxStress_RotorLam")

        print("Max Stress: " + str(max_stress))

        safety_factor = yield_stress / max_stress

        print("Safety factor is: " + str(round(safety_factor, 3)))

        mc.set_variable("MessageDisplayState", 0)

PyMotorCAD Documentation Example#

(Used for the PyMotorCAD Documentation Examples only)

    from setup_scripts.setup_script import run_mech_stress_demo
except ImportError:
2:46:37 PM : Python script output: Max Stress: 5.36337772082974
2:46:37 PM : Python script output: Safety factor is: 84.835

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 27.454 seconds)

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