.. _ref_virtual_env_motorcad: Using a Python virtual environment in Motor-CAD =============================================== You can use a Python virtual environment with Motor-CAD. By default, Motor-CAD uses the Python version that comes with the Motor-CAD installation. .. figure:: ../images/defaults_python_path.png :width: 500pt Create a local Python virtual environment ***************************************** .. note:: If you are using a Python IDE, this often creates a virtual environment for you when you start a new project. In this case, you can skip the section below, which describes how to create a virtual environment from the command line. If Python is already installed, you can check the version by running the following command in a terminal. (You can use the Windows terminal or any terminal integrated with an IDE such as Visual Studio Code or PyCharm.) .. code-block:: console python --version Based on the Python version, you create a virtual environment: .. code-block:: console python -m venv virtual_environment_folder_location Activate the newly created virtual environment: In case of Windows Powershell .. code-block:: console .\virtual_environment_folder_location\Scripts\activate.ps1 In case of Windows Command Prompt .. code-block:: console .\virtual_environment_folder_location\Scripts\activate.bat Depending on the terminal specification, the virtual environment name might be highlighted. Use ``pip`` to install all required packages, such as :code:`ansys.motorcad.core`, :code:`numpy` or :code:`bezier`. .. code-block:: console pip install ansys.motorcad.core bezier numpy In the terminal window, the preceding commands might look like this: .. figure:: ../images/python_venv_summary.png :width: 500pt Change the Python exe path in the Motor-CAD UI *************************************************** Proceed to change the path for the Python exe in **Defaults -> Default File Locations**. This should point to the :code:`pythonw.exe` file in the :code:`Scripts` folder of the virtual environment: .. figure:: ../images/change_python_location.png :width: 500pt The Python path is updated accordingly, and the Python version is recognised by the Motor-CAD UI. .. figure:: ../images/changed_python_location.png :width: 500pt